Please contact someone from our admin staff at 651-552-4176. They will be happy to assist you.
We typically run an entrance exam process every one to two years. Please check the Employment section of this site often as information will be posted there and on social media when the time comes.
The Fire Department responds to all fire and emergency medical calls in the City and provides the initial patient care. All of our firefighters are trained to the same level and we carry the same medical equipment on our fire trucks as we do on our ambulances, so we can care for the patient regardless of what truck we show up in. With our Computer Aided Dispatch system we have the ability to send the closest vehicle to the emergency, which reduces our response time. So if the fire truck is closer to the call than the ambulance, the fire truck will arrive first and begin patient care with the ambulance arriving after. If the incident involves a critical patient, an ambulance from M Health Fairview will also be dispatched, typically arriving several minutes after South Metro responders.
Another element that contributes is that not all 911 calls are created equal. We rely on the information provided by the person calling 911 to describe what is going on so that the dispatcher can determine what the correct resources are to send to that specific emergency. Our experience has taught us that if we do not send enough resources initially to effectively deal with the emergency, it can negatively affect the outcome. Once the firefighters arrive on the scene, one of the first things they do is to determine if they have enough resources to handle the situation. On medical calls there can be a variety of reasons why they need more help:
o the severity of the injuries
o difficulty in moving a patient due to their size or the layout of home
o having to care for multiple patients
o having to deal with other hazards, such as carbon monoxide in the house
Fire extinguishers are considered a hazardous item and should not be placed in the trash. Dakota County residents can bring old fire extinguishers to The Recycling Zone in Eagan.